Tuesday, January 18, 2011

And the weirdest thing of all...

I feel completely normal. Day two of shots and nada. No crazy. No bloating. No psycho. So far, everything is breezy and awesome.

I worry if someone comes over to visit my house, they'll think I'm a drug addict. My medicine cabinet is full of syringes, vials, alcohol wipes, Tylenol with codeine, gauze and a needle disposal unit. I feel a little like a one person pharmacy. "Holy shit. I looked in her medicine cabinet and she must be shooting up some stuff that will fuuuuuuuck her up!" Holy shit. No you moron. I'm trying to sell apart of myself for a sweet vacay and some spending cash. Get your facts straight, biatch.

Annnnnd today I got a note from my doctor. It's for the TSA. It basically says the following: 
Dear Airport Security People, Please let this girl pass through with her vials of drugs and needles. She has some perfect eggos she is going to schlep onto a loving family who will make sure they go to law or medical school.
Love, The Eggos Doctor.

Yesssssss. I'm excited. The retrieval is getting closer everyday!

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