Monday, November 15, 2010


 The clinic was in a building that was a church in a past life. "God. Are you for serious? Jesus Christ. Literally. Halle-frickin-lujah." I said this out loud while sitting in my car like a crazy person.

Then I walked into the Holy Church of Familial Bliss (aka the waiting room) with all the preggos and their hubbies. I was very surreal, like a Dali painting. I'm probably the last person who should have been in their secret club. A voice out of no where called my name. All the preggos had vacated the lobby at this point and I was looking around for the source. There was no one. This place was empty. I began to think I was having a religious experience when around a corner a nurse appeared. Apparently, God was getting back at me for taking his son's name in vain in the parking lot.

When I was in my little exam room waiting for the ultrasound, I began to have five second panic attack.
Holy crap. This is real. Is this what they do when they want to confirm you're pregnant, too? What if they take the ultrasound AND I AM PREGNANT??? Can that happen?? What if I don't have ovaries??? Is that even possible??  What if one is missing or something??? Would someone have noticed that by now...a missing ovary??? This is what I get for having no medical insurance and relying on Planned Parenthood for all my reproductive needs.

The nurse came back in, started up the ultrasound machine and BOOM. I had a uterus and ovaries. I'd like to point out that I don't really consciously think of my uterus or my ovaries as being a part of me. I know they are there, I just am not conscience they exists. Like an ex-boyfriend or something. Every month I defeat them and venture on without an unplanned pregnancy. But seeing them on the little screen, I became attached. Really attached. I'm in love with them. I'm going to give out some quality eggos.

And that's when she said it, "You have beautiful ovaries. Normally when women come here, it is because they have reproductive issues. It's good to see ones that are working."


1 comment:

  1. You are brave for going through this. Glad to hear your ovaries are real and beautiful!
