Thursday, October 21, 2010


I had to sign two contracts; one between myself and the company that facilitates egg donation and another contact between myself and the intended parents.

Basically, once I signed the dotted line and began my treatment I'd have to follow through with it. No backing out or I could be sued for breach of contract and for emotional distress. I don't like the idea of being sued, frankly, neither do the eggos. It's on like Donkey Kong.

I had some options. I chose to be notified if the intended parents get pregnant (MAZEL TOV!) and I chose to be contacted by the eggos when they grown up if they'd like to know about me. And I feel like that is a big if. The eggos clearly have parents that will go to the ends of the earth for them and have a great financial situation. Apparently, money can buy you love, a baby AND a fatty pimped out BMW on your sixteenth birthday.

Those lucky little bastards.

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